Improving health and wellbeing: A guide to using behavioural science in policy and practice
November 2022
An introduction to behavioural science and a step-by-step process for developing / optimising interventions (policy, service or communications) designed to start, stop, continue or change behaviours.
This guide has been written with Professor Robert West, co-creator of the seminal COM-B model and behaviour change wheel (described in the guide!), who says “I think it’s turning into the best guide on the Behaviour Change Wheel so far!”. It aims to provide policy makers and practitioners in public health, healthcare and the wider Welsh public service with guidance on the use of behavioural science to help them reach their objectives. The guide focuses on behaviours in a range of policy areas, that directly or indirectly influence human health and wellbeing, including substance use, diet, physical exercise, injury prevention, behaviours that affect environmental sustainability, and antisocial behaviours and pro-social behaviours.
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